• Category:VAPT & Security Consultation
  • Client:Reflik
  • Date:Jul, 2024 (Ongoing)

VAPT for Reflik Inc

Reflik is an online talent acquisition and recruiting platform that connects employers with recruiters through a crowdsourcing model. The platform aims to streamline the hiring process by providing quick access to a large pool of qualified candidates. Our engagement with Reflik involves continuous support and consultation to identify and address security vulnerabilities within their application and infrastructure.


The challenge lies in providing continuous penetration testing and security consultation to Reflik, ensuring their platform remains secure while scaling. Our team is actively working on identifying vulnerabilities across the app and infrastructure to safeguard sensitive data and prevent potential exploits.

Final Result

During our ongoing commitment, several critical and high-level vulnerabilities have been identified and patched. These vulnerabilities, related to application security, infrastructure, and data handling, were addressed promptly to enhance the overall security posture of Reflik's platform. The engagement is still ongoing as we continue to monitor and improve the security of the platform.