• Category:Black Box Penetration Test
  • Client:Security Consultants
  • Date:Oct, 2024

Penetration Test of Agile Planning Platform

The Agile Planning Platform is a cutting-edge solution for enterprises implementing Agile practices at scale. It provides tools for Program Increment (PI) Planning, Dependency Management, and Roadmapping. The platform required a rigorous black box penetration test to identify potential security vulnerabilities and ensure the protection of sensitive enterprise data.


Performing a black-box pentest on Agile Planning Platform , especially with its integrations like Jira and Azure DevOps, comes with unique challenges. Without access to internal details, it’s tough to identify hidden API endpoints, test complex authentication methods like OAuth2, and ensure data flows securely. Misconfigured permissions, weak input validation, or poor error handling can expose sensitive information or APIs. There is also the need to check for issues like rate limiting, abuse prevention, and injection vulnerabilities while analyzing how APIs interact and manage dependencies. On top of that, ensuring data stays in sync, integrations are securely configured, and vulnerabilities in third-party tools are patched makes the process even more demanding.

Final Result

The assessment uncovered several medium and low severity vulnerabilities, including issues related to Web Application Firewall configurations, vulnerable libraries, and insecure methods. These findings were reported to the development team, who implemented the necessary patches to enhance the platform's security and reliability.